Private Yoga




You are unique! The way your body and mind functions and responds to stress varies person to person, just like your finger prints. Having a personalised Yoga practice will give you the essential steps and confidence needed to understand yourself in a way that is unique to you.

Yoga is so much more than moving your body from posture to posture. Yoga is rooted firmly in overcoming the obstacles within one’s own mind. The path of Yoga is to awaken the body and mind through practices that have been developed and refined over thousands of years.

Yoga is for everyone, regardless of your age, flexibility or strength, but nothing will change until you begin. If you already have an established practice, but feel stuck, or that you are not progressing, then one-on-one sessions will assist you in moving forward towards greater clarity, freedom and love. 

Start here for a free personal consultation to better understand your needs, and learn how a personalised approach will support you best.

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Intuitive, compassionate, precise. These words describe Blair’s approach to yoga and life. I have worked with Blair for over a year, practising yoga and attending life coaching sessions. These interactions are transformative. There is both focus and expanse in his instruction. He puts his students and clients in a place where they are calm and reflexive: we manifest our strengths, we work patiently around our limits. We do so knowingly, perhaps for the first time. The control that Blair’s teaching enables has a pulsating and mindful quality. Like yoga, it is alive.
Lilian Chee, Singapore